Heyheyhey sorry I'm posting so late, friends. I was just watching movies wif mah mommah. We watched Pirate Radio and then the end of Napoleon Dynamite. Both highly recommended movies.
I'll tell you more about my day in a minute. First i gotta show you what i wore :D
I'm obsessed with that skirt. Aaaaah<3
A bit brighter:
Some detail shots:
I don't buy like any of my clothes...
So i was taking some chill photos in my front yard when i realized how awesome my shadow is at 11:30 am. This ensued:
So maybe i'm just a total arihead but OMG SHADOWS ARE SO COOOOOOL.
I'm tired of taking things for granted. I like shadows. Deal with it.
And here's my token torso photo:
Yeah. I look like Peter Pan...
SOOOOOOO, who wants to see my costume?
I should give some background info first. I'm playing one of 6 Gowers. We're basically like the Muses in Hercules, but really pale and creepy instead of black and gospelly. We have to stand on stage the whole play and watch the scenes and move our arms around CONSTANTLY. I'mma have massive biceps by the end of tomorrow. For makeup, we're doing hardcore heavy Egyptian black eyeliner blue and silver eyeshadow to create a sunken look, and hopefully white lipstick, which is gonna look SO INTENSE. Plus our hair is gonna be teased like Einstein hair. I'm waaaay pumped. Like unts unts unts unts unts unts unts unts unts unts unts unts unts YEAH. Soooo, here's my incredibly attractive vest:
Dude i look so hot. :P
Top shirt: Mom
Tank: Gap
Skirt: New York & Co.
Headband: H&M (i think)
Bracelets: Mom & Stepmom
Shoes: Kohl's
Necklace: gift
Creepy Vest: STNJ<3333333333
So, officially I'm only supposed to post on weekdays, but i may post over the weekend just for fun cause I'm gonna be wearing some sweeeeeeet threads. Plus i'd like to show you what my stage makeup looks like. I must away to slumber now, as i have to wake up at 8 to get to rehearsal tomorrow. Night, homeskilletz. Peaceeeee.
ahhh lovely. i love your skirt outfit. so pretty<33